Friday, August 21, 2009

H1N1 : Thailand FREE, UK FREE, Malaysia RM80 sekotak?

H1N1 : Thailand FREE, UK FREE, Malaysia RM80 sekotak?
Govt hands out free flu drugs Across-the-board effort to fight H1N1 outbreak

Free flu drugs are being made available today at state and private clinics as part of the Public Health Ministry's latest effort to combat the spread of type-A (H1N1).

The ministry hopes the antiviral drug supply at clinics will solve problems of delayed treatment which can prove fatal in some severe flu cases.

Thirty-one clinics in Bangkok have been certified by the ministry to prescribe oseltamivir phosphate (the generic form of Tamiflu) to flu patients. More clinics in the capital and other provinces will be authorised this week if they meet requirements set by the ministry's guidelines on flu drug prescription.

U.K. Diagnosing H1N1, Dispensing Drugs Online
Friday, August 14, 2009
By Amy Kellogg

In the United Kingdom, there is no need to get a diagnosis from your doctor – you can get your possible H1N1 symptoms diagnosed online or via hotline, and then pick up your drugs at the nearest pharmacy.

“The National Health Services is offering (antivirals) free of charge to anyone with suspected swine flu,” said Dr. Michael Thompson of Oxford University in London. “So there’s a fairly liberal policy of using these drugs. Other countries like the United States, Canada and Australia – they are using a much more targeted approach.”

Antiviral dijual RM80 di klinik, hospital swasta
Oleh Khairul Azran Hussin

KUALA LUMPUR: Orang ramai boleh mendapatkan ubat antiviral di klinik dan hospital swasta pada harga tidak melebihi RM80 sekotak di semua rangkaian klinik dan hospital swasta yang menyertai kempen Klinik Cegah dan Rawat Influenza A (H1N1).

Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, berkata harga itu disifatkan sangat berpatutan berbanding sebelum ini yang dijual sehingga mencecah RM180.

Kata Rakyat Didahulukan, Prestasi Diutamakan?
Tapi ubat kena beli, terima kasih Kerajaan Malaysia.
Inilah langkah paling cekap daripada Kementerian Kesihatan.
Semoga rakyat di Permatang Pasir kuburkan BN di sana.
:author faethal



Labels: H1N1

Posted by CCEO PulakDah

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